online training

online training

we take online training seriously.

Can't make it to Hideout? Access your dedicated trainer virtually! Online coaching comes with custom dawn-to-dusk meal plans, structured workouts, and weekly check-ins. Don't let a commute stop the mission.

  • Customized training program tailored to your goals
  • 24hr fitness guidance
  • Weekly progress check ins
  • Full training program powered and made easy by our HideoutFitness app
  • Strength progression tracking
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online training comes in different forms

Nutrition Only

Our Nutrition Only program offers a complete diet plan customized just for you. This includes:

  • Creation of your personal diet plan, detailing meal frequencies and suggestions for nutritious alternatives.

  • Access to our smart diet plan for seamless integration with your daily routine.
  • A meal tracking journal within our app to monitor your dietary habits.
  • Assistance in building healthy nutritional habits for long-term success.
  • Weekly check-ins via our app, along with personal meetings with your assigned coach to review your progress and adjust as needed.

Training Only

For those focused on physical training, our Training Only program includes:

  • A custom training program, crafted to align with your fitness level and goals.

  • A detailed training calendar so you'll know exactly what to train and when.
  • Access to demonstration videos for each exercise for proper form and technique.
  • Comprehensive training notes to guide you through the function and flow of your program.
  • Weekly check-ins with your coach through our app to ensure you stay on track.

Total Online Coaching

Choose Total Online Coaching for a holistic approach that combines both Nutrition and Training. With this option, you receive the full spectrum of services, providing you with the tools for a complete transformation.

Hybrid Option - Online Coaching Plus In-Person Sessions

If you prefer a combination of remote and face-to-face coaching, our Hybrid Option allows you to add in-person sessions to your online training. This way, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – the convenience of online guidance and the personal touch of on-site coaching.

Success Stories

What our members say

At the end of January, I decided to make a change in my life. I went in for a free consultation with Hideout fitness. I went over everything I wanted and needed from them. After a month of hard work I am down 15 pounds and have a newfound confidence.  I look forward to seeing where I will be 2 months from now and also at a Year from now. Thank you Coach, I appreciate everything you are doing and have done for me.

Victor Gonzalez

I love this gym. After only 3 months of training I’ve lost over 20lbs. Not only have o lost weight but I have also gained muscle and feel more confident than ever before. The facility is clean and the trainers are really supportive!

Tanya Sleiman

I had been searching for a trainer and never came across the right ones until I landed on Hideout Fitness. It was still a bit nerve racking but these trainers are really easy to trust from the beginning. They truly care about their clients progress and don’t make you feel insecure about exercising. They constantly encourage you to eat and train more effectively to accomplish your goals. Thank you Hideout Fitness!

Wilfredo Sandoval

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